Smart Prospecting

Smart Prospecting

Know who to call. Know when to call.

“I’m just looking right now.”

“We haven’t found the right house.”

“We’re thinking about selling…”

Opportunities That Were Left Behind

Dozens of leads sound like this, and as time goes, the list only grows. Among those thousands of people sitting in your database, how do you know when to follow up?

You don’t have an endless amount of time to call every single person again, just to see if they’re ready — which is why we’re introducing Smart Prospecting.

Sift Your Database

Tackle the biggest issue first: Transforming your giant database into workable lists. First segment your leads into smaller groups. Then align them with your business priorities.

Find Easy Wins

Contacting a lead with a best-fit score of 80, who is searching on your site again, suddenly becomes ten times as likely to respond compared to when they were just looking six months ago. And, within your database of 10,000, you might have a couple dozen leads that fit the criteria.

Work with Real Opportunities

Now, you have a workable list. The chances of those leads converting are higher than cold-calling random people. You have leads who fit your business criteria and are more likely to respond. It’s a win-win.

Manage the Work with Tools

Now that you have found the right opportunities, it’s time to contact them. But let’s be smart with it. If you want to build a consistent ROI, have the tools do the work.

Automated features such as a dialer integration can eliminate:

1. Tedious tasks like logging notes in multiple systems
2. Manually dialing every phone number
3. Leaving countless voicemails

How many hours a week do you have to prospect?


With a dialer you can call:

leads per week

*Avg 85 leads per hour with Mojo Dialer

Working your database presents opportunities that were previously left behind.

Match lead generation efforts with resurfaced business. ROI with BoomTown isn’t a conversation of “Will it work?” Instead, it’s about “How much can we project this quarter?”

Ready to see a demo?

See what BoomTown can do for your business.

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