5 Questions to Ask Before Joining a Real Estate Team

A team allows you to leverage built-in brand recognition and sphere of influence, as well as guidance from more seasoned agents and brokers. While the benefits are numerous, you don’t want to end up team that stifles your growth, takes an excessive commission split, or just isn’t a good culture fit.   First, it’s importantContinue reading “5 Questions to Ask Before Joining a Real Estate Team”

Google & Facebook: Digital Strategies that Actually Work

We don’t have to tell you how important it is to have a strong digital presence. Among nearly all generations of home buyers, the very first step is to look for properties online. In fact, 74% of buyers across all generations (and 92% of home buyers 37 and younger) frequently search the internet for theirContinue reading “Google & Facebook: Digital Strategies that Actually Work”

Introverts or Extroverts: Who’s Better at Real Estate?

At the end of the day, a real estate agent is a salesperson. You’re making dozens of calls per day, reaching out to leads, and trying to close more deals. Standard convention tells us it’s the extroverts who are best at sales. They are characterized by their bold attitude, friendliness, and a fearlessness that’s helpfulContinue reading “Introverts or Extroverts: Who’s Better at Real Estate?”

What to Know Before You Hire a Real Estate Coach

Hitting a plateau in your growth? Struggling to structure your business? Facing burnout? Failing to grow your database and build better relationships? Whether you’re new to the real estate game, or a seasoned expert, there are myriad reasons to seek a mentor or some objective expertise. Although some remain skeptical of real estate’s heavy hittingContinue reading “What to Know Before You Hire a Real Estate Coach”

Increase Your Lead Responses with Automated Texting

Sounds pretty good, right? That’s the increase in responses that BoomTown clients experienced when they swapped out traditional email for texting. Half the battle is getting your foot in the door and getting that conversation going. And automated texting could very well be the secret weapon for skyrocketing your business.   You can generate heapsContinue reading “Increase Your Lead Responses with Automated Texting”

Senior Housing: A Growing Niche Market for Agents

The United States has an aging population. Currently the median age is 37.8, (up from 30.0 in 1980, and 28.4 in 1970) and the median age of homebuyers is 44. This demographic shift is happening for a few reasons – decreasing fertility rate, shifting cultural norms, improvements in medicine, the sheer size of the babyContinue reading “Senior Housing: A Growing Niche Market for Agents”

5 Business Benefits of a Real Estate CRM

Real estate CRMs don’t have to be for the tech-savvy folk anymore. In the past, they would give people heartburn. “A CRM – how do I use this?” These days, however, things have gotten a lot easier. Yes, there are tools to learn and processes to build. But imagine converting more leads. Retaining better agents.Continue reading “5 Business Benefits of a Real Estate CRM”

Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Building a Team

Kevin Kauffman and Fred Weaver are the co-founders of one of the nation’s most successful real estate teams and companies, Group 46:10 Network. Training-focused, fast-paced, technology-driven, 46:10 has been recognized as one of the top 250 real estate teams in the nation, year after year. While the average real estate agent sells around 6 housesContinue reading “Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Building a Team”

Pros, Cons, and Best Practices of a ‘Guaranteed Sold’ Program

A guaranteed sale is attention-grabbing, providing an immediate sense of security for the seller. At face value, as an agent, it gives you a leg up on the competition. It shows the seller, “Look, I’m so confident that I can sell your house, I’m willing to buy it if I cant.” Sounds pretty good, right?Continue reading “Pros, Cons, and Best Practices of a ‘Guaranteed Sold’ Program”

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