How to Spam Proof Your Real Estate Emails

In order to be a provider, it helps to be a consumer. When you are drafting real estate emails it doesn’t hurt to first consider the emails you open every day. And if you look at your own emails before they go out the door and on the way to an Inbox, consider if theyContinue reading “How to Spam Proof Your Real Estate Emails”

How to Write Emails that Motivate Real Estate Leads

Seems odd to tell students to break the rules, right? Well, here’s their case. Students hardly feel motivated when they’re faced with hundreds of rules dictating their sentence structure and word choice. There’s no freedom! In real estate, homebuyers can have the same feelings. How much can I afford? and How’s the market doing today?Continue reading “How to Write Emails that Motivate Real Estate Leads”

What Really Matters in Real Estate Customer Service

Defining excellent customer care seems like a no-brainer. We assume the generics: constant communication, a sense of hand-holding, going above and beyond for the client. For the customer though, data suggests they’re looking for something else entirely. So, let’s frame the picture and dive into what really creates positive experiences for homebuyers and sellers.  Continue reading “What Really Matters in Real Estate Customer Service”

4 Things Google wants Real Estate Agents to Know

We’ve all heard the story: Nearly everyone starts the home buying process online. People use Google to search for real estate in specific areas. When they have a question about buying or selling, they turn to Google for more information. In a lot of ways, Google has become an extension of the real estate agent.Continue reading “4 Things Google wants Real Estate Agents to Know”

How to Help Clients Understand Real Estate Data

If I’m a homebuyer, I want to feel secure and confident in my decision. The same if I was a seller. But, I’m not going to get there unless someone connects the dots for me. In today’s digital age, anyone can find tons of real estate information online. But can the average Joe decipher it?Continue reading “How to Help Clients Understand Real Estate Data”

BoomTown Success Managers Share Tips for a BOOMing Business

Some of your BoomTown Success Managers had the opportunity to attend Bob Corcoran’s Buyer Agent BootCamp and gain some great insights to help our clients create a BOOMing business in 2014 and beyond! Bob knows just how to get you to be #1 and stay #1, and here are even more tips from our trip thisContinue reading “BoomTown Success Managers Share Tips for a BOOMing Business”

Pick up the Phone! Tips and Tricks for Successful Team Call Nights

It's common knowledge in Real Estate that follow-up is crucial, persistence is key-I could go on and on. The trouble is getting caught in the whirlwind and not carving out time to consistently reach out and contact your leads. A great way to remedy this, and to add some fun and camaraderie to your officeContinue reading “Pick up the Phone! Tips and Tricks for Successful Team Call Nights”

How to Maximize Content Pages

You’ve most likely heard the phrase, ‘Content is King’ by now. It’s an old SEO phrase that never seems to lose its value, especially now after the recent Google Panda update. Filling your website with great content and quality inbound links are paramount to a successful website from an organic traffic standpoint. I’m going toContinue reading “How to Maximize Content Pages”

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