An Easy Guide to Tracking Your Real Estate Goals

It’s usually easier to set goals than it is to reach them. Often when people set goals, they have only general ideas of what these goals are. The key to achieving all your real estate goals is not just to set them and literally forget them, but to consistently track your progress. Tracking your goalsContinue reading “An Easy Guide to Tracking Your Real Estate Goals”

Why Failure Happens without Daily Goals

Most folks have probably tried scores of different tips, tricks and hack to build habits and meet goals. We’re optimists. We keep trying because we truly want to achieve great things and crush that to-do list, but…life happens. And then we don’t reach our goals. Which leaves us a bit disillusioned and disappointed. The oppositeContinue reading “Why Failure Happens without Daily Goals”

Why You Need Goal Setting to Go from 0 to 2,000 Leads

A wise person once told me (yesterday), I’m super excited about idea generation and planning, but I focus a little too much on the pie in the sky, and not enough on the day-to-day steps to get there.   BoomTown’s job is to make you successful. And the space between Step One and Success isContinue reading “Why You Need Goal Setting to Go from 0 to 2,000 Leads”

Tom Ferry’s Tips on Setting Winning Goals

Most people make vague “goals” for the new year, but rarely make plans on how to accomplish them. Without the commitment to a plan and process, a small few actually follow through with their resolutions. Real estate coach Tom Ferry did some research, and found that only 40% of Americans attempt to improve their livesContinue reading “Tom Ferry’s Tips on Setting Winning Goals”

Change the Game with the BoomTown Go-to-Grow Challenge

We want to make every step of achieving your goals easier with the 2017 Go-to-Grow Challenge. This ongoing challenge will keep you motivated, moving, and most important, accountable. The goal is to help you make a big impact through easily achievable actions in your business. Follow along as we share how to kick off the challenge!Continue reading “Change the Game with the BoomTown Go-to-Grow Challenge”

The Delicate Art of Emailing Real Estate Leads

Email nurturing is a great way for agents to remain top-of-mind with potential homebuyers who are six or more months from entering the real estate market. Top-of-mind status is achieved by consistently delivering educational value to homebuyers through quality email content. This is important because it allows agents to be helpful over a long periodContinue reading “The Delicate Art of Emailing Real Estate Leads”

How to Hire Marketing Staff for Real Estate

Has anyone ever asked you who’s on your real estate team? Who helps bring in business for your brokerage? Naturally, we think of our real estate agents. They’re the people on the front-lines, selling real estate. But, too often we forget the operational side of the business. Yes, you may employ the ISAs, the listingContinue reading “How to Hire Marketing Staff for Real Estate”

Sink or Swim: How to Choose the Right Real Estate Team

  You need the right support system to get you through those first crucial years of your real estate career. This means the right office, the right team, and the right tools to help you grow.   According to the National Association of Realtors, over 80% of new real estate agents exit the business inContinue reading “Sink or Swim: How to Choose the Right Real Estate Team”

Slow and Steady: How Successful Real Estate Agents Grow Their Business

There is no gimmick or easy button that can catapult you to the top of the mountain of real estate success. Perhaps you can cut corners to reach a limited “success” for a time, but unless the foundation of your business is solid, this quick “success” will be short-lived. Slow and steady wins the race.Continue reading “Slow and Steady: How Successful Real Estate Agents Grow Their Business”

How to Align your Agents and ISAs to Build a High-Powered Real Estate Team

Whether you’ve hired an ISA, or are just considering adding one to your team, you realize that the role solves a long-standing problem with lead follow-up and incubation for your agents. There is still some adjustments necessary to adding the role and how to instruct your ISA and your agent to successfully partner up. HowContinue reading “How to Align your Agents and ISAs to Build a High-Powered Real Estate Team”

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