How to Keep Positive ROI in Lead Generation All Year

Do you have a business plan? Yes? Okay. How many times have you course corrected? Setting a business plan isn’t a one-stop shop. It’s not something where you talk about it at the beginning of the year and forget it until Christmas. The economy is always shifting. So are business factors. Maybe your goal isContinue reading “How to Keep Positive ROI in Lead Generation All Year”

Why Real Estate Divides Between the Rich & the Rest

Are you satisfied with the income you make in real estate? Tom Ferry has a solution. He describes two unique groups: one that isn’t satisfied with their lead generation efforts and the other as a content group who cast a wide net. In today’s video, he talks about what sets them apart and how youContinue reading “Why Real Estate Divides Between the Rich & the Rest”

This Real Estate Behavior Doubles Business Revenue

Real estate is an ear-to-ear business. Everyone takes listings and works with buyers, but there’s one thing clients want: To connect with someone who truly cares about them. It sounds like a no-brainer, but how often do you come across the mentality of “I only represent buyers who are looking above 500K.”? In our video,Continue reading “This Real Estate Behavior Doubles Business Revenue”

Why an Inside Sales Agent (ISA) Could be the Best Thing for your Real Estate Business

  Call crushers, phone animals, “seekers and cultivators,” the Inside Sales Agent (ISA) has many nicknames. Whatever you call them, some of the top producing real estate teams point to this crucial hire as the catalyst for record numbers. The ISA team model is a popular way to structure your team for lead follow-up, andContinue reading “Why an Inside Sales Agent (ISA) Could be the Best Thing for your Real Estate Business”

The Secret To Getting Real Estate Seller Leads Is…You’ve Already Got Them

Low inventory, increasing buyer foot traffic, and more flexible financing options are coming together for a continuously heating up seller market.  Getting listings is now a top priority for most teams. The need for more listings has of course created a need for more leads!   Graphic from @SteveHarney and his fantastic blog with https://www.KeepingCurrentMatters.comContinue reading “The Secret To Getting Real Estate Seller Leads Is…You’ve Already Got Them”

BoomTown Closers Podcast: Tim Young on Technology, Team Structure and Lead Gen

Everyone here at BoomTown loves to seek and share knowledge. And today we are doing just that in our inaugural BoomTownClosers Podcast. We have invited Tim Young from Fort Worth Texas Real Estate to share his knowledge and unique approach to his real estate business. In this episode, our host and BoomTown Community Manager, Mac Hill, willContinue reading “BoomTown Closers Podcast: Tim Young on Technology, Team Structure and Lead Gen”

Texting Real Estate Leads: How to Prospect and Take Customer Service to the Next Level

“90% of people respond to texts in under 5 minutes” -Tom Ferry.  For those of you who don’t see the opportunity already, that statistic is HUGE!  If you’re still skeptical, or feel like a phone call is still the only communication method, this is definitely food for thought. Think about your parents or your grandparents.Continue reading “Texting Real Estate Leads: How to Prospect and Take Customer Service to the Next Level”

Are You a Portal Power Player? Getting the Most from Online Leads with a Real Estate CRM

Online leads — are they worth it? There is certainly a great debate when it comes to real estate’s “Big Three:” Zillow, Trulia, and While these search portals can be a great helpful resource, many real estate agents harbor mixed feelings about them. But as this panel from Inman Connect shares, if leveraged correctlyContinue reading “Are You a Portal Power Player? Getting the Most from Online Leads with a Real Estate CRM”

What’s The New Pecking Order For Local SEO? A Response To Google’s Pigeon Update

Recently, Google rolled out what seems to be a fairly significant update to their local search algorithm that has been dubbed “Pigeon” by those in the search industry. While most of you probably didn’t see this, I get paid to follow these types of things, and feel that it’s worth bringing to your attention. A Bird’s EyeContinue reading “What’s The New Pecking Order For Local SEO? A Response To Google’s Pigeon Update”

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