Should I Outsource My Social Media?

“I know I should be on social media, but I just don’t have the time to manage all that myself.  Couldn’t I just outsource my social media to someone else?” 

I’ve heard many of you ask this question, and have heard several types of responses.  Many are adamant that since social media is about connecting with your audience, outsourcing it is too fake and impersonal.  Still others argue that social media should reflect your voice–and there’s no way you can outsource your own voice.

Before you even start thinking about anything social media related, let me first ask you a question.  If I were to meet you at a cocktail party or networking event, what would you be like?  Would you immediately shoot off about all your amazing listings, your laundry list of designations, and just how much of an amazing real estate agent you are?

How Many Opportunities Does Your Real Estate Team Get Per Month?

opportunity marketing and lead nurturing

What would happen if your business stopped getting leads?  What if your lead volume was cut in half overnight?  This has become a reality for some of our clients in light of the recent changes made to Craigslist.  Having a well-diversified lead generation program is always going to provide protection against sudden changes in the online landscape, but what if your business didn’t have to live or die on a daily income of leads at all?

Best Practices For Your Google Plus Business Page

Still not on Google Plus?  Still think that Google Plus is the dead social network?  I have some news for you: Google Plus is the place to be for real estate agencies and brokerages!  Now is the time to take advantage of the second fastest growing social media network that is powered by the largest search engine in the world.  Multiple clients of the Inbound Marketing Team have seen the benefits of utilizing Google Plus to its full potential.  Below are some of the best practices to help make you and your business successful on Google Plus!

What’s Up With Targeting Leads Using Facebook Custom Audiences?

targeting leads with facebook custom audiences

By a show of hands, who here remembers the good ol’ days when all you had to do was put an ad for a listing in a newspaper and the phone would ring off the hook with calls from qualified buyers? Or, how about when you could blanket a neighborhood with flyers and instantly connect with the top sellers in your market?

What Makes BoomTown Better: Success Management for Improved Lead Generation And Conversion

Imagine that you’ve just been dropped deep into a dense jungle maze with no map and no sense of direction, and you were told to navigate back to civilization by yourself.  Pretty overwhelming, no?  How do you know where to go?  How do you survive? 

Suddenly, an experienced guide appears, who knows the area like the back of their hand.  They have already guided many others out of the jungle and back to civilization.  Wouldn’t you feel more at ease, knowing you’re with someone who has done this many times before?

When you first start with a piece of powerful technology like BoomTown, knowing where to start and navigating it toward success may seem as overwhelming as navigating a wild jungle.  What do you focus on first?  What should your priority be?  BoomTown's Success Managers are the experienced guides who boost your confidence and chase away all fear.  Success Managers are the ones with the roadmaps to…well, success.

Writer’s Block? 22 Ways To Conjure Great Content [INFOGRAPHIC]

We all know  creating great content is key to a successful online marketing strategy, but what do you do when you're lacking in creative energies? The copywriting gods from Copyblogger whipped up an idea-filled infographic to help with those low-inspiration situations. From repurposing old content to creating pieces that target fresh new audiences, they've got you covered! 

Pinspiration: Boosting Your Real Estate Brand With Pinterest

It’s safe to say that the Pinterest craze is here to stay. With 70 million registered users (80% of which are women) and content becoming increasingly more visual, Pinterest has the potential to place your brand in front of a new audience and drive traffic to your site. But simply creating Pinterest boards won’t cut it. Your brand is unique, so your Pinterest strategy should be unique! Here are some tips on how to make your brand stand out on Pinterest:

Content Marketing and the Future of SEO [INFOGRAPHIC]

We talk a lot about the best ways to market your company. While ideas like creating engaging content and impressing your online visitors remain at the forefront of any great strategy, the ever-changing landscape of online marketing and the future of SEO can be a lot to keep up with. The marketing gurus at Pardot gathered a 9-person panel that includes some of the biggest names in the field, (Read: SEO Rockstars!) to impart their wisdom and help us map our strategies for the future. Then, they kindly compiled the top takeaways into this handy little infographic: 

Generate Seller Leads With BoomTown’s Seller Lead Suite

“Seller’s market” is the buzzword in many areas across the country. Perhaps you’re experiencing inventory crossing the “six months”  threshold already, or maybe just sensing a shift around the corner. Either way, we’re not talking doomsday prepping here, but it’s a good idea to tailor your marketing focus towards seller clients as inventories tighten and seller clients become a premium. BoomTown recently rolled out the Seller Lead Suite to keep our users ahead of the curve, and this little package is designed to do it all:

  • Attract potential sellers to your website
  • Capture their contact information
  • Leverage the CRM to nurture the relationship and get the listing.

It’s no secret that seller leads are different than the buyer lead type, but it’s sometimes overlooked that different marketing tactics are needed to attract them. Here's how we look at marketing to seller leads:

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