3 Easy Methods to Instill a Culture of Accountability in the Real Estate Office

No matter what team model you use, what business plan you’re embarking on this year, or what software system is powering your team, they will not help your business if you do not have a culture of accountability instilled in your team. A culture of accountability helps guide business decisions, it encourages team members toContinue reading “3 Easy Methods to Instill a Culture of Accountability in the Real Estate Office”

17 Intriguing Books on Harvard Business School’s Reading List

You’re really good at selling real estate and you’ve been doing it a long time. Like any closer, you’ve had this gut-feeling … it’s time to take the next step. So, what is that next step? Thoughts like “How do I start a real estate team” or “What should I do to improve my business?”Continue reading “17 Intriguing Books on Harvard Business School’s Reading List”

3 Simple Automations that Free Your Agents from Tedious Tasks

There is one currency more valuable than money – time. Agents today are busier than ever. Technologies like BoomTown help streamline day-to-day operations by automating tasks that can take up hours of valuable time. Here are three automations that are worth the hype.   Smart-Drip Email Campaigns How It Saves Time Traditional drip campaigns wereContinue reading “3 Simple Automations that Free Your Agents from Tedious Tasks”

5 Easy Ways to Impress New Florida Homebuyers

Florida’s population grows by almost 1,000 people every day. With the bulk of population growth stemming from new residents moving into the state, there’s a lot of opportunity for savvy agents to help new homebuyers find their happily-ever-after. Offering up helpful content for folks relocating to the state is a great way to drum upContinue reading “5 Easy Ways to Impress New Florida Homebuyers”

How to Handle Lead Quality Issues

How many times have you called a lead only to find out it’s the wrong number? How about when you realize the lead contains all bogus information, names like “Hugh Jass.”   It’s frustrating to deal with, and it’s hard to not think of it as a failure. Everyone knows lead generation is important. It’sContinue reading “How to Handle Lead Quality Issues”

Tips on Managing Real Estate Offices Remotely (From People Who Actually Do It)

So your real estate business is doing well and you’ve expanded. Or you’re considering the possibility. Expanding with new teams in different markets can be a highly profitable path in real estate. It also brings a handful of new challenges. We had a chat with some experts in the industry who are managing their remoteContinue reading “Tips on Managing Real Estate Offices Remotely (From People Who Actually Do It)”

How Kyle Whissel Wins Listings in California’s Competitive Market

As the housing supply shrinks, California’s sellers markets are heating up fast. In fact, the top 3 most competitive markets in the nation are all in California. Seller leads are obviously golden for your business, but how do you go about finding seller leads and converting them?   Top-performing BoomTown client, Kyle Whissel, of WhisselContinue reading “How Kyle Whissel Wins Listings in California’s Competitive Market”

What to Do When Agents Complain about Lead Quality

When people ask Doug Melcher, broker-in-charge for Paragon Properties, which lesson he’s learned the most from in real estate, he always recites a similar story. And it starts with an elderly lady looking for subsidized housing in Boston. Not the typical lead agents would fight over, no doubt.   In fact, Doug didn’t receive aContinue reading “What to Do When Agents Complain about Lead Quality”

Fast-Forward ROI from New Agents with Better Training

Buckle up, Rocky (Cue ‘Eye of the Tiger’). It’s time to talk training. It may not be as glamorous as the fanfare that comes after it, but it’s essential for success nonetheless. The truth is, the top agents and teams in the US have one thing in common – they never stop training. Good trainingContinue reading “Fast-Forward ROI from New Agents with Better Training”

Chasing the Lowest Cost-Per-Lead? Consider This.

Why ROI is ultimately more important, and how to rethink your strategy. In real estate, leads are the nucleus of your business. So it’s no surprise that a monumental amount of time is spent generating and nurturing them. While referrals are enough for some agents, many rely on generating new leads through sources like Zillow,Continue reading “Chasing the Lowest Cost-Per-Lead? Consider This.”

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