4 Factors Influencing the Housing Market Rebound

The data continues to show a promising rebound for the housing market. After a massive halt in March and April due to COVID-19, pending home sales, listings, and solds have continued to increase month-over-month, showing that buyers are back in the market. There is demand out there in the housing market. Agents need to continueContinue reading “4 Factors Influencing the Housing Market Rebound”

No Listings? No Problem. Drive Business with Dynamic Remarketing Ads

As we continue cruising through the summer months, our data shows that a few digital advertising strategies have effectively unlocked an unusually high amount of buyer and seller demand. Demand in the real estate market that has likely built up due to COVID-19. And even if you don’t have a listing to promote, this isContinue reading “No Listings? No Problem. Drive Business with Dynamic Remarketing Ads”

The Best Performing Real Estate Facebook Ads

We are cruising through the summer buying season, and with June behind us, it’s time to take another look at some of our Facebook digital advertising data. (Giving you insights into how to nail your Facebook advertising strategy.)   Let’s first take another look at our COVID-19 impact analysis to see how June’s campaigns haveContinue reading “The Best Performing Real Estate Facebook Ads”

How Top Agents Are Using Video Emails to Convert Real Estate Leads

With so much of our day-to-day business moving to digital interfaces, your prospects are being inundated with communications, and you’re looking for new ways to stand out. You’ve probably leveraged video in your marketing at some point, but now, more than ever, it’s a critical tool to deliver some much needed “face time,”  humanize yourContinue reading “How Top Agents Are Using Video Emails to Convert Real Estate Leads”

The Summer Market is Heating Up. Here’s What Sellers Need to Know!

Guest Post by Keeping Current Matters   There’s no sugarcoating it. The last couple of months have been hard. What was set to be one of the busiest spring markets in your career changed in an instant when the country was forced to hit the pause button.   But we’re starting to see the lightContinue reading “The Summer Market is Heating Up. Here’s What Sellers Need to Know!”

Lost Sales Leads: Common Problems and How to Correct Them

Guest Post by Agent Advice   In the digital age of real estate sales, the process of successfully converting prospects to leads and closed business has become a fine art. No matter how refined a process becomes, losing a lead is inevitable.   This article aims to discuss some common problems that may lead toContinue reading “Lost Sales Leads: Common Problems and How to Correct Them”

2 Ways to Create Compelling Video Ads in Minutes

Get a video ad up and running in minutes? Yes please.   Here are two ways to use BoomTown’s Marketing Central paired with expert content from Keeping Current Matters.   Not already a BoomTown user? Here are a few options: • Request a Demo of BoomTown to Get Started • See BoomTown in Action viaContinue reading “2 Ways to Create Compelling Video Ads in Minutes”

Facebook Advertising Trends & Tips for Real Estate Agents (During COVID-19)

If you’re wondering how you can best leverage this time and keep momentum during the ebbs and flows of COVID-19, you’re not alone. Agents and brokers everywhere are taking a step back to look at their digital advertising and marketing plans, seeing where they should (and shouldn’t) cut costs, and looking to the experts forContinue reading “Facebook Advertising Trends & Tips for Real Estate Agents (During COVID-19)”

4 Business Systems You Must Have in Real Estate

It’s no secret, 2020 was not the year we all expected! There’s been a massive shift in business practices, more virtual work, and perhaps some more downtime due to market conditions. But with those shifts come a wealth of opportunity.   Wendy Forsythe (Expert Real Estate Consultant & Coach), shares how you can use thisContinue reading “4 Business Systems You Must Have in Real Estate”

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