Inspiring Change Agents: Getting Your Team on Board with New Technology

In the previous blog post, we explored how the Gartner Hype Cycle (GHC) and the Technology Adoption Lifecycle (TALC) can help real estate leaders balance the risks associated with selecting and implementing new technology for their agents. As 2015 begins, given widely reported forecasts of a healthy 2015 market, it’s even more important to presentContinue reading “Inspiring Change Agents: Getting Your Team on Board with New Technology”

Inspiring Change Agents: Don’t Let the Hype Drop You in the Chasm

Real estate leaders that see profitability, productivity, and performance gains when implementing new technical solutions for their agents, are the ones that have implemented proven and sustainable solutions at the optimal time within their brokerages. These brokerages have chosen: (1) technology that’s in the right place in the adoption lifecycle—neither too early nor too late,Continue reading “Inspiring Change Agents: Don’t Let the Hype Drop You in the Chasm”

Supporting Real Estate Team Expansion with new Broker-centric capabilities

As the housing market continues to flourish, many brokers and agent team leaders are looking to expand their reach. We knew it was crucial for our clients to have additional functionalities to help them manage multiple teams and offices that serve different geographies. They want to scale quickly and successfully, and we want to helpContinue reading “Supporting Real Estate Team Expansion with new Broker-centric capabilities”

Culture of Agent Accountability Drives Real Estate Success for the Live Love Memphis Group

Accountability is the name of the game for Jennifer Carstensen and her team at The Live Love Memphis Group in Memphis, Tennessee. Jennifer has grown her team from a few agents to a team of eight and has quadrupled her income since implementing BoomTown two years ago. She has the tools to help her agentsContinue reading “Culture of Agent Accountability Drives Real Estate Success for the Live Love Memphis Group”

Conway Real Estate Drives Agent Accountability and Grows Transactions with BoomTown

When it comes to a great real estate website, If you build it they will come, but once they come you need to make sure you have the team in position and a solid game plan to own your field of dreams. Conway Real Estate shares how they did just that. Mike Conway and hisContinue reading “Conway Real Estate Drives Agent Accountability and Grows Transactions with BoomTown”

Hug Your Team! Did You Celebrate Employee Appreciation Day?

In our non-stop, always tuned-in world, it’s all too easy to jump to the next task on the never-ending to do list, and forget to pause and recognize what's been accomplished and achieved. We've all heard it in some way or another, “Stop and smell the roses,” “Live in the moment,” “Celebrate the wins” (or even “Just take a breath!”). It's easy to get bogged down in the whirlwind, but if you ignore the wins of your team, you miss a vital opportunity not only to inspire them to even greater successes, but to strengthen your own leadership brand in the process. My what?

BoomTown Client Named One Of Inman’s Most Innovative Real Estate Agents!

Cheers to our client Laurie Weston Davis, one of Inman's Most Innovative Real Estate Agents for 2013! Winners were selected by an Inman News review team after a reader nominations process (woo hoo! the people have spoken!), and Laurie was one of only 55 finalists in eight categories. Not only is this innovator a Realtor, she's alsoContinue reading “BoomTown Client Named One Of Inman’s Most Innovative Real Estate Agents!”

Keeping Your Culture Front and Center: Hire, Fire, Be Wire(d) by It

In my last post I covered the importance of culture and how to define it for your business. In this post we'll discuss hiring for it, firing for it and making it a part of your everyday decisions at work.

Hire by It
Once you've identified your core values, you'll want to hire associates who share those values, so make culture a part of your interview process.  It's often said, “hire for passion first, skills second.” The same can be true for values. At BoomTown we look for values first, then ensure the candidate is a skills match. Here are some tips that have helped us build a wildly passionate and cohesive team at BoomTown:

Utilizing Culture to Attract and Retain Top Real Estate Agents for Free!

As more and more real estate teams are embracing online lead generation, your market share isn't the only thing that is getting competitive these days. The hiring market is too! You might already be recruiting through signing bonuses, coaching opportunities and innovative tools, but what do you do when the brokerage next door is doing the same thing? What if I told you there was something only your team could have and that it would lead to not only attracting top talent, but retaining it too? Oh, and it's free.

…Interested? I thought so

Well I'm talking about culture, people! Before you roll your eyes and say “yeah, yeah, we do team happy hours all the time and so does every other team in my town,” listen up! (Because I guarantee your competition thinks that's all there is to culture and this is where you gain an opportunity.)

Let’s Get Serious About Training

For most companies, the amount of time spent recruiting employees is substantial.  You should take time finding the right people to represent you and your brand.  You want to make sure employees fit with your culture, core values, and have the necessary skills to do the job well.  If you’re knocking it out of the park with your recruiting you are not stopping there.  Instead of rushing to find “someone who can do the job” you are looking for rock stars.  But what training and development tools are you offering these rock stars after their initial orientation?

If you expect the best of the best to work for you, then be prepared to nurture and develop them.  Is your company guilty of not having a true continuous training or learning program in place?  If so you’re not alone, but don’t find comfort in that.  Be aware you may be losing some truly great talent.  We need to change the mindset that training begins and ends with new employee orientation.

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