The Ultimate Guide: Posting to Facebook, Twitter, & LinkedIn

It's hard to keep up with all the best practices for the “big three” in social media (Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn). We know there needs to be a strategic game plan, and that there are certain ways to optimize our posts on each account, but in the rush to push a campaign or exciting news, we often forget the nuances that would make our posts even more successful. Thankfully, the marketing gurus at HubSpot created this all-inclusive SlideShare to whip your posts back into shape and help you craft the perfect message for each account.  

Maximize Your Lead Generation in the Slower Months

We’re entering a time of year that is typically associated with lower traffic, lead volume, and sales. As a result, less attention is given to advertising campaigns and lead generation efforts. Every year, the real estate industry at large uses the fall and winter months to conserve budget and adjust strategy in preparation for the impending flood of new users in January.

Well, this year things are a little different for the industry, and even more so for BoomTown users. I’d like to take a moment to discuss some industry trends, share a bit of insight about what we’re seeing within our own data, and suggest the best ways to maximize your business potential in the coming months.

Making Your Marketing Dollars Smarter [Video]

  Curious about how Inbound Marketing can help your business? Our very own Director of Inbound Marketing, Rivers Pearce, offers key insights on spending your marketing dollars wisely. (Strategizing, targeting, and tracking-oh my!) A huge thanks to our friends at Inman News for this great video!  

How to Generate Real Estate Leads with Facebook Promoted Posts

As a licensed real estate agent, you know that one of the most difficult parts of your job is generating new leads. Traditionally, especially when you were first starting out, you probably leveraged recommendations from your family and friends to get those first few leads. You would hand your mom a stack of your businessContinue reading “How to Generate Real Estate Leads with Facebook Promoted Posts”

Create Your Social Media Playbook

There’s been something in the air this week.  Countdowns are winding down and excitement is building as football season is finally upon us.  For so many of us this time of year symbolizes tailgates, high anxiety, pure joy, and at times even heartbreak. Now that the final game plans are coming together for teams takingContinue reading “Create Your Social Media Playbook”

Want More Leads? Ask Yourself Three Simple Questions

In order to get the most out of a CRM, you need a solid game plan for online lead generation.  Managed PPC advertising has been and continues to be a very successful channel for many of our BoomTown clients.

Our goal in managing PPC advertising for our clients is to make achieving success as easy as possible, and the best start to a successful campaign is asking three simple questions: 

The #1 Way to Bring Leads Back to Your Site

With all the marketing options that are available to real estate agents today, it's easy to be overwhelmed, but you might be missing out on the number ONE way to bring leads back to your site!  Did I mention that with most CRMs it’s free and easy?

Choosing A Domain Name: Building A Brand To Drive More Traffic

I’m new to BoomTown.  How should I choose my domain name?

Forget about keywords.  Focus on branding.

What?!  I know what you’re thinking.  Aren’t keywords the driving force behind SEO?  How would I rank high on Google search without keywords?!

Ready To Geek Out On SEO? Top Takeaways From MozCon

I had the opportunity to attend the Mozcon conference in Seattle, WA this summer. This was an amazing experience to say the least! Awesome speakers, networking and conference. I learned a lot and took pages of notes. Below are some of the common themes and key takeaways I noticed among all the presentations. 

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