Tips and Tricks to Obtain and Maintain Listings Using BoomTown!

Tips and TricksWe know you need tools to tackle any market! As the shift to a seller’s market continues, we’ve developed ways to help BoomTown teams not only obtain listings, but maintain them as well. We addressed two essential needs:
1. A tool for agents to use when completing a listing presentation that leverages the power of all the leads in the system.
2. A way to quickly give the owner of the property quick and accurate information about the online activity of the listing.

Cue: BoomTown's Best-Fit Leads and Listings Manager tools! These tools allow brokers and agents to focus on their seller clients and maximize their time by identifying targeted buyers to market their listings to.
Here are some tips and tricks:

Expert-Endorsed Ways to Improve Your Marketing TODAY

HubSpot recently posted an article on their blog, by Katie Burke, sharing “6 Expert-Endorsed Ways to Improve Your Marketing TODAY.” I thought this would be a great read because I know we are always looking for quick wins we can implement today, that will make a difference tomorrow. It allows us to cross an itemContinue reading “Expert-Endorsed Ways to Improve Your Marketing TODAY”

Six Ways to Leverage the Shift to Visual Social Media [Infographic]

It's time to show and tell. Photos and images are an integral factor in the content strategy of today's successful online marketers. The masters of inbound marketing at HubSpot found that photos and images on Facebook generate 53% more Likes than the average post, and the team at Shareaholic reports that image-driven Pinterest ranks 4th in driving web traffic worldwide. Check out this helpful infographic from the folks at Socially Sorted to really get the picture: 

Fast Food vs Mom’s Home cooking (or SEO vs Inbound Marketing) – Part 2

Last month, I published the first part of an article entitled: Fast Food vs Mom's Home cooking (or SEO vs Inbound Marketing). In part one, I detailed how traditional or “old school” SEO is like fast food, in that it provides quick results without long-term value, replicable methods that are easily identifiable and little nourishment (i.e., SEO ends once traffic gets to your website, ergo no regard for ROI). In today's post, I am going to explore how Inbound Marketing is like Mom's Home Cooking, so put your napkin in your lap, sit up straight and let's eat!

Do You Know Who You’re Marketing To?

Marketing and lead generation is the foundation for a successful real estate career. Without leads and prospects, there is no selling.

Times are changing, “keeping up with the Jones' ” is not enough anymore. How are you going to stay on top of your game and separate yourself from the competition? The answer is not necessarily working harder, but working smarter!

If you want to gain a competitive edge and build more trust in your brand, you need to learn more about your target market. You may think you know your audience, but how well?

Define Your Ideal Client

You have a certain type of person you work best with, who are they? What made your best clients the best?

Fast Food vs Mom’s Home Cooking (or SEO vs Inbound Marketing)

Being a professional digital marketer, I am also in the business of client education. The digital space is an ever-evolving landscape that requires almost constant attention to stay ahead of the curve and to keep up with the latest best practices. As you can imagine, when you’re asking a client to either spend money, or let you manage their money for digital marketing, being clear about why you recommend a particular strategy is paramount. My team and I often find that simple analogies are the best way to explain the sometimes complicated digital marketing world to our clients.

In this two-part blog post, I’d like to use the “Fast Food vs Mom’s Home Cooking” analogy to describe the differences between old-school SEO tactics and Inbound Marketing. In order to set up the argument for Inbound, I’d like to first draw a parallel between old-school SEO (or what would be considered traditional SEO) and Fast Food. This will make Mom’s Home Cooking taste all that much better!

10 Tips to Use When Writing Content for Your Site

Unless you've been living under a rock, everyone knows how important good content is for a solid approach to Inbound Marketing. It's easy to talk about good content but writing good content is a whole different story. You don't need to be the best writer to have successful content but you do need to be creative, original and provide value. <- Regurgitating an article without your unique opinion does not provide value to your readers and it doesn't do any favors for you as an authority on the topic.

On top of original content, laying a good foundation is key and sets up your content for success. Here are 10 quick tips (in no particular order) for writing your own content; these tips are easy and can make a big difference. 

3 Tips Everyone Should Know About Advertising Online

The game has changed.  Converting online leads into closings has inspired the brokers using the Boomtown platform to totally change the way they do business, and it’s time to change the way we look at advertising as well.  Generating leads online and planning your advertising budget requires a different perspective than traditional mass media and direct mail.  Here are a few tips that every business owner needs to know in order to have a solid online marketing game plan.

Let’s Get Social: Social Media is the New Word of Mouth

Social Media is the New Word of MouthAs real estate agents, team leaders, or brokers it is extremely important to network and grow your sphere of influence on a daily basis. Real Estate 101, right! Your personal network is your business network and vice versa. As you are building these relationships; whether they are your friends, neighbors, local restaurant owners or anyone else in whom you share a common interest, it is not only natural but necessary (these days) to have a social media strategy in place as a way to engage people “aka social influencers” regularly.

Establishing these relationships and building your social community (whether through Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube or LinkedIn) will help you produce results. As you begin to share your local knowledge, you will soon become the go-to real estate expert in your neighborhood or city. Then anytime anyone mentions real estate – you are the go-to guy (or gal). Social media is the new word of mouth; therefore, it shouldn’t be a wasted opportunity.

Where Are My Ads?: Adwords Impressions Explained

Google Adwords Logo

Google Adwords can be a very powerful yet somewhat mysterious form of advertising media. Unlike billboards or TV commercials one can spend thousands of dollars, and still not have something tangible to wrap your hands around or show off (other than high quality leads of course). Which is why the question “I just Googled homes in (my area) and I don’t see my ads!” comes up often.

First, don’t panic. Second remember as mentioned in our post on Adwords budgeting; that Adwords is an auction based advertising platform. Every auction is different and many factors go into deciding whose ads are displayed and what position they will show in. To help diagnose potential reasons you may not be seeing your ads let’s discuss a couple of these factors.