All Inclusive: Social Media Image Guide [infographic]

Attempting to keep your mind wrapped around all the unique social media platforms, and designing images for them can be a full time job. Here is a handy and comprehensive blueprint (that is constantly updated thanks to the wonderful creators at to reference any image requirements for each social media site. This is big. Literally. 

Share The Love: Leverage Your Vendor Partners To Increase Traffic

A great way to drive traffic to your real estate site and generate more leads is to promote your internal network of vendors. Many Brokers have  seen success by adding content pages on their websites for their vendor partners (from inspectors, and home repair companies to landscaping and pest control services). They’ve found that by leveraging their sphere of influence, they are both building stronger relationships with their vendor partners, increasing traffic to their site, and finding new clients.

3 Easy Steps To Grow Your Real Estate Business With Pinterest [Infographic]

Ah, the power of Pinterest. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a “pin” must be worth a thousand more. Real Estate agents in particular can use this platform as a wonderful addition to their online marketing strategy, and we've created this handy infographic to show you how:  

Inbound Marketing – A Guide For Real Estate Professionals [Infographic]

Inbound Marketing has been all the buzz. In the Real Estate world it is touted as the future of lead generation. So what exactly is it and how can you adopt these principles? Excellent questions. We've created this handy infographic to take out the guesswork.

As American As Apple Pie And Google: Happy 4th And Penguin 2

google independence dayGoogle's latest update, Penguin 2, further emphasizes the reward for real, quality content, and the punishment for spammy, schematic SEO tactics in the eyes of the search giant. Panda also refelcts Google's increasing reliance on social media signals to determine what content is worthy and relevant. The great folks at Marketo put together the infogaphic below to show exactly how to keep in good standing with Google's latest algorithm change. You can read this after the fireworks if you like. 

The Power of Your Consumers

Anyone else an Amazon addict?  Personally, I’m surprised if a day goes by that I do not visit Amazon for one reason or another.  Price comparisons, saving time on shopping, or getting the skinny on product.  It’s one of the best places to go on the web to get product reviews from so many different “departments.” 

Anytime I plan to make a large purchase, or even small purchases that are new or not within my normal shopping routine, I scour the web for reviews to make sure I’m spending wisely and getting a good product or a good deal.  This typically applies to many other areas of my life as well, restaurants, new businesses, anywhere that I don’t frequent.  These reviews give credibility to the products your customers are planning to purchase as well as to your business.

Customer reviews can be one of the best ways to boost sales and create raving fans for your business or your product. 

Video Is Viral: A Look At Online Video Marketing

Video is ViralVideo has taken center stage. Instagram now offers a video feature, dubbed “Video on Instagram,” allowing users to create 15-second videos, Vine's 6 second videos are lighting up the social sites,  and YouTube and Vimeo are an increasingly integral part to a successful marketing campaign. The folks at bubobox put together the great infographic below to showcase why video needs to be a part of your marketing strategy. All set? (set…get it?) Don't worry if your head is spinning, there are many great tips to create a successful video, and to make sure you're optimizing your video masterpiece for ultimate traction. 

To Zopim Or Not To Zopim? Get The Skinny On Live Chat Integration

There has been some buzz (particularly in our BoomTown Owners' Community) about Zopim Live Chat, and whether it adds any value to a website and lead generation.  I’m here to give you the quick breakdown on all things Zopim.  No fluff, just the highlights here.  I’ve handled the research on your behalf and hope that youContinue reading “To Zopim Or Not To Zopim? Get The Skinny On Live Chat Integration”

Still Not On Google Plus? 8 Reasons You Should Be

Google Plus?  What is that? If you're still asking yourself this question, it's time to get on board, and we can help! As one of the fastest-growing social media networks, Google Plus can benefit your company significantly. Since Google is the nation’s largest search engine, using their social media platform allows for the opportunity to appear in more organic search results; ultimately generating more leads! Here's a handy infographic to break down the benefits:

All in Your Head: 5 Psychological Triggers that Drive Lead Conversion

5 psychological triggersFocus on the human connection to make your marketing more successful and client-centric! Stepping out of the digital realm and into the human psyche can help determine what basic triggers influence human behavior (hey, we're only human…). Use these to effectively target your marketing efforts and generate more conversions. The folks at Pardot keep rolling out great information, and their infographic below explains 5 common psychological triggers to use in your marketing.