Using Tags To Manage Your Real Estate Database

Broker Exercise: First determine how many people are in your database; Got it? Good. Now choose 10 leads/contacts at random and answer the following questions… Are they a prospect, client or past client? Are they pre-approved or pre-qualified? Have they been on a showing? Have they submitted an offer? Do they have an active listingContinue reading “Using Tags To Manage Your Real Estate Database”

Team Pepka Fast Tracks Growth with Dedicated Training and Strategic Lead Nurturing

Team Pepka,, led by Team Leader Hannah Sharp, is a team with ambition and a drive to deliver the best experience possible to their clients. To do this, they empower each new hire with the tools to succeed and a rigorous training program to help each team member start seeing success as quickly asContinue reading “Team Pepka Fast Tracks Growth with Dedicated Training and Strategic Lead Nurturing”

Top Tips and Quick Tricks For Matching Leads to Listings

We recently released two game-changing features that can save agents hours of time and directly increase their bottom line. Here are our top tips and quick tricks for Best-Fit Leads and the BoomTown Hot Sheet to help you leverage these tools to their full potential: Top Tips: Jump start your day by opening your BoomTownContinue reading “Top Tips and Quick Tricks For Matching Leads to Listings”

Reach Out to Your Prospects Faster (and Smarter)!

I strive to make our clients aware of every part of our system that they can leverage to increase their success. By now everyone has seen the studies that found your lead conversion increases dramatically when you make contact in the first 5 minutes. Recently I started pulling user stats on features that I know will directly impact the time to first call for an agent and I was shocked to realize that over 75% of our agents did not have text message notifications enabled on their phone for when a new lead registers! You’re 22 times more likely to convert that lead if you contacted them within 5 minutes!

So why don’t people have these notifications enabled on their phone? 

The Next Generation of CRMs: A Podcast With T3 Experts and Grier Allen

BoomTown Grier Allen podcast T3Experts

Jack Miller, CEO of T3 Experts, recently sat down with our own Grier Allen for an in-depth discussion about the next generation of CRMs. Part of the T3 Experts Digital Agent Series, this podcast, titled “CRMformation” covers everything from the creation of BoomTown, to the future of CRM systems and using data to make things more predictive and intelligent. Check out the full podcast here
Short on time? Here are some of the top takeaways posted from T3 Experts:

Build A Lead Generation Strategy for 2014 (and Beyond!)

diversify your lead generationChristmas time is upon us and kids everywhere have made their lists (and probably checked them twice). When you ask a child what they want for Christmas they usually rattle off about 20 gifts from what is often a remarkably strategic list. Children are smart. They’ve figured out that the more presents they have on their list the less risk there is of getting a gift they do not want (aka socks!). It’s a well-diversified portfolio, if you will, and the return on their investment is typically pretty good. 

This is the same mentality you need to have with lead sources!

If the question “what would I do if my main source of leads suddenly stopped producing?” makes you panic, then it’s time to start looking at other sources to help you generate leads.

This Holiday Season, Think Outside The Gift Basket & Stay Top Of Mind With Your Clients

The holidays are right around the corner, and if you’re a procrastinator like me, that means that your gift-buying time is running out.  You will probably either scramble to think of creative gifts for your clients, or just end up sending the same thing you sent them last year.

This year, be different!  Think outside the box–or gift basket, if you will.
Subscription gifts are becoming more and more popular across all industries as it has the added benefit of keeping you top of mind for several months (or a year, depending on the length of the subscription).  This is great for your brand because your clients will think of you every month when the gift is delivered, and will be more likely to send referrals to you several months down the line.

Another bonus is that these subscription gift ideas are good for everyone–family, friends, clients–even pets!  Whether you send a subscription gift as a holiday present or a closing gift, it is an easy yet thoughtful way to stay top of mind for months thereafter.

How Many Opportunities Does Your Real Estate Team Get Per Month?

opportunity marketing and lead nurturing

What would happen if your business stopped getting leads?  What if your lead volume was cut in half overnight?  This has become a reality for some of our clients in light of the recent changes made to Craigslist.  Having a well-diversified lead generation program is always going to provide protection against sudden changes in the online landscape, but what if your business didn’t have to live or die on a daily income of leads at all?

5 Best Productivity Tools & Mobile Apps For Tech-Savvy Real Estate Teams

We know that real estate agents are extremely busy people who are constantly on the go.  Things can get hectic, especially if you are working with several others on a team.  Sometimes you wish there was an “easy button” you can press that magically puts everything in your life in order.  Although we haven’t yetContinue reading “5 Best Productivity Tools & Mobile Apps For Tech-Savvy Real Estate Teams”

What’s Up With Targeting Leads Using Facebook Custom Audiences?

targeting leads with facebook custom audiences

By a show of hands, who here remembers the good ol’ days when all you had to do was put an ad for a listing in a newspaper and the phone would ring off the hook with calls from qualified buyers? Or, how about when you could blanket a neighborhood with flyers and instantly connect with the top sellers in your market?

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