New Year, New Look: BoomTown’s Website has a Fresh New (inter)Face

BoomTown Home Page

BoomTown’s company site was completely overhauled and now sports a responsive design, clean, fresh layout, and streamlined navigation so you can quickly access what you need. With bold new graphics and images, detailed product descriptions, and our new company section, the updated site reflects the energy of BoomTown and our enthusiasm about each offering. We think the site is pretty great, and we hope you’ll agree!

Maximize Your “On The Go” Time with New Mobile Apps

Earlier this year, I wrote a post on the best mobile apps for real estate agents. Since new gadgets are a theme this time of year, I thought I’d share a few more. These apps are designed to help you maximize your time while you’re on the go, so the next time you find yourself in between appointments, put down the Angry Birds and pick up a few of these instead.


5 Ways to Increase Your Drip Email Open Rate

Lead nurturing is an important element in closing more deals from your leads. If you understand the value in lead nurturing and drip marketing, then you probably also know the power of email subject lines. Would you like to increase your open rate? Thought so!

These 5 ideas can really maximize your drip marketing efforts and help you turn more clicks into closings!

Get Results! The Top 5 Rules To Respond By

If you have a website that is generating leads for you you've probably asked the same questions that millions of sales professionals are asking. How quickly should I be responding? If I don't respond immediately, when should I make my follow-up calls? Best day? Best time of day? And how often should I continue trying to reach these leads without looking like a certified stalker?

Email Marketing: Avoiding The Spam Folder & Deliver-ability 101

BoomTown's Director of Technology, Tom DeMille, sheds some light on email deliver-ability and tips on avoiding your recipient's spam folder.

Our support team at BoomTown will from time to time field distress calls from agents and lenders who have been told that the email they sent to a client never arrived, or arrived but ended up in their spam folder.  We often get asked why this happens and what can be done about it.  I wanted to briefly blog about what we do, on our end, to help ensure that your email makes it to the inbox.  Later in the article I will outline some steps that you can take, when composing emails or drip campaigns, to help ensure your valuable communications make it to the inbox.

What Is The Best Time To Contact My Web Leads?

Web Lead Follow UpWe often get asked the question, when is the best time to follow up with a web lead generated through the BoomTown system? Thanks to a study conducted by, we have some additional data to support what days/times are the best to not only contact, but qualify a web-generated lead.

To differentiate, contact means connecting with a live person, and qualify is when the lead is willing to enter the sales process (i.e. agrees to an appointment)

Here are a few key points taken away from the study**:

You can’t do it all! The key to making the most of your time.

In today's real estate profession there are infinite responsibilities to keep up with. From the world of online prospecting and lead management to complicated short sale contract negotiations and financing road blocks, how is an Agent supposed to keep up with it all? At BoomTown, we've had the privilege of hearing from the top real estate coachesContinue reading “You can’t do it all! The key to making the most of your time.”

Is the “Traditional” Real Estate Agent Dying?

Jay Kinder of Kinder Reese Real Estate Partners & the National Association of Expert Advisors recently released a thought-provoking report titled, The Death of the “Traditional” Real Estate Agent. In Kinder’s report he explains why traditional agent strategies are not enough to survive in today’s real estate industry. The agents that get ahead in today’s market haveContinue reading “Is the “Traditional” Real Estate Agent Dying?”

Improve Email Response with Better Titles [Infographic]

Social media gets all the buzz these days. This doesn’t mean that email has lost its power. Like other marketing channels, email should be tested and tweaked, basing decisions on data in order to maximize effectiveness. Below is an excellent infographic from Boomerang that highlights great ideas for titles and other tips to boost emailContinue reading “Improve Email Response with Better Titles [Infographic]”

5 Easy Ways to Become More Client Centric in 2012

Our team at BoomTown recently conducted a Net Promoter® survey to get a feel for client satisfaction. Our score of 74 is 44 points higher than the consumer software industry standard of 30! See our Infographic for a breakdown of the scoring. This score placed us among leading technology companies such as Apple and Amazon.Continue reading “5 Easy Ways to Become More Client Centric in 2012”

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